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Are Gabions Effective?
Apr. 21, 2023
Gabions are cage-like enclosures filled with stones, bricks, or broken concrete to form walls or fences. They can be stacked like bricks and can be used for many practical and aesthetic reasons, such as fencing gardens or properties.
Industrial Uses of Galvanized Wire Mesh
Apr. 07, 2023
Galvanised stainless steel is an extremely durable and long-lasting material. Pipes, nails, beams, plates, bars, rods and other industrial products are often galvanized to ensure decades of strength and corrosion resistance.
Why Is Galvanized Wire Mesh Important?
Mar. 23, 2023
Galvanizing can be done before or after wire fabrication, for both welded and woven wire mesh types. If the individual wires themselves are galvanized before the woven or welded wire mesh, this is called "galvanizing before woven or welded material".
Why Is It Called 358 Mesh?
Mar. 10, 2023
358 mesh, are welded stainless steel wire mesh panels also known as anti-climb mesh and security mesh. 358 mesh is a solution for preventing unauthorized access as the rectangular spacing of the horizontal and vertical wires make it unclimbable- yet they allow visibility.
How To Install A Slope Protection Netting?
Feb. 16, 2023
Slopes and hills are structures that often cause stability problems such as erosion, landslides, rockfalls, and, in the worst-case scenario, they can collapse. For these purposes, we can classify them as natural slopes and engineered slopes.